Saturday 28 January 2012

Do you know, I don't think Hippos have tongues!

It seems like a popular recipe of making a terrifying and above all foreign enemy in fantasy books is to

1) take one unconventional / not-previously-encountered steed
2) armor your warrior to resemble an unrelated,  unconventional / not-previously-encountered beastie.

Inspired by the *spoilers!* cat-riding ant warriors and the camel-riding elephant warriors from the wheel of time and game of thrones respectively, I present to you a hippo-riding dung beetle warrior. With Morning Star. 

Friday 20 January 2012

Happy 2012!

It’s 2012! Live this new year like it’s your last 

Apologies for the lack of updates, after expo I got rushed back into to full-time employment for 4 weeks to help out some folks, and then a wonderful 4 week vacation to Sydney via Singapore and Japan!

However now I am back, and happy to say that work will resume on the second Chapter of my 3-part mini comic, Marci.

In the mean time, please have a little painting! This was an attempt at a speed painting, but at about 7 hours total scumbag brain clearly did not understand the concept!
I’m delighted to have finally worked out how to extract cleaner hand-drawn lineart, thanks entirely to my lightbox (which is thanks entirely to my Dad who MADE me one), and this lovely tutorial here:
Other references and influences: PoseManiacs, the fantastic artwork of Rune Factory 3, and wonderful Hyung Tae Kim costumes!